Sunday, March 8, 2009

New photos!

The lyra is coming along!

I've been working on building up hand strength and such, and the pain tolerance in my back and my feet. I even tried putting on ankle braces for cushion, but the fabric caused my feet to slip, so that was no good. I just gotta build it up slowly, and patience is not my strong suit! It's just taking me longer than I thought to get certain moves. And it seems i find new bruises and such every time I practice. I'm loving the new apparatus though. Its been forever since I've had a new toy to play with. Fun times! :)

I had my first performance at Wave Street Studios on Friday night, and I think it went really well. Another performer took some photos, and was nice enough to send them over. I also took a few photos of my lyra "hickeys". I have a performance this coming Saturday as well, and I will try and get some photos of that too.

Wish me luck!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lyra Class

I just completed a two day course on Lyra yesterday. Wow. Of all the aerial apparatus I have ever used, this one is by far the most painful! lol I had a wonderful time, of course, but I sleeping the last two nights have proved somewhat difficult. I have bruises in the strangest places!
Marina, who was our instructor, was amazing. She makes everything look so effortless, which of course makes it all the more frustrating when you try it, and realize how NOT effortless it is. The Gravity Girls who hosted the class also took the course, along with a few others who have all had experience on the lyra before. I was pretty much the only one who didn't have recent experience on one. Marina was really patient with me, and by the end I had learned the basics of handling myself in the air. I also picked up the names of a few tricks, which range from making sense, to really bizzare. I mean, names like Dragonfly or Amazon make sense to me. Skin The Cat is another story. Who came up with that one?
I also have finally purchased my Lyra at long last! Jackie Tan made it for me, and it came in just in time. Its so pretty, and I brought it to class on the second day. Marina hung it up, and it got broken in with some of the most talented people I've seen. It was awesome. She called it the "Tippy Lyra" because of the rope rigging. The ropes make it much easier to flip the hoop around upside down and such. However, because it's so easy, this also happens unexpectedly sometimes. Which can either look really cool, or scare the crap out of you. Or maybe a bit of both. :)
I am super excited to keep training on it, and perhaps make my first performance in March at Wave Street Studios. I gotta see how much strength and pain management I can build up in the next month. I will post dates as soon as I can confirm.
I also took some video at the class, and posted a short snippet below. I am going to try and add more later, as my very slow computer at home permits.
Signing off, happy, sore, and looking for more...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Yippee! I have just signed up for a Lyra class in Feb!
I am so exicted about it. The class is in Santa Cruz, at the same place that I took my silks classes last year from the Gravity Girls. (Who are awesome, by the way.) They are having a guest teacher in for a weekend to do a two hours a day course. I took a lyra class in Chicago once, and loved it. It's more painful than silks or slings, (metal instead of fabric) but looks beautiful and the spinning part makes it look so elegant. My teacher there called the bruises "lyra hickeys". I am guessing I will look well loved by the time the weekend is over. :)
With my tax return this year, I am finally buying a lyra of my very own! I have wanted one for SO long, and now I finally get one! *does the happy dance*
Can you tell I am exicted? :)
Now, I just need to get over this lingering cold so I can get my strength back up...
Keep checking back for new photos in mid-Feb!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I couldn't just take up knitting...

Just trying to find others to chat and "hang" out with who are also cirque freaks. It's just a hobby for me, but one I really enjoy and try to keep up on. Anyone looking to play around with different skills in the Monterey Bay area, chat me up. I'm always on the lookout for a new way to give myself bruises. :)
I started gymnastics when I was around six, and have been on and off into physical arts since. I've taken classes in aerial silks and slings, a few in lyra, some poi spinning (very basic), hoola hooping, partner acrobatics, and trapeze (static and flying). I've performed a few times in small venues, but nothing big yet. More than anything its a fun way to try and stay in shape. I cant do treadmills. Yick.
I'll be posting some photos and maybe even videos in the future of different stuff I've done, and will be doing. I welcome comments and suggestions, and esp feedback. Always looking for room to improve! I also would love to start doing shows or gigs around here, so if you are looking for an act for a party or event, let me know and we'll work something out.